Carmine Vitale

  • WHO:
    Carmine Vitale
  • WHAT:

    artist, poet, writer

  • WHERE:

    Agropoli (SA), Paris


    Carmine Vitale was born in Salerno in 1965.

    In 1999, he won the Emily Dickinson International Award. His poetry has appeared in underground samizdat in Prague, Dusseldorf, St. Petersburg and Paris.

    He has published several poetry collections. Currently under preparation is Litoranea, his first book of short stories. Some of his verses and short stories have been published in magazines, websites, blogs of poetry and literature; among them: La poesia e lo Spirito, Nazione Indiana, Sud. Rivista europea, Romboid. Poesie samizdat in lingua ceca, LPELS, Rebstein Books and Others Sorrow, Microcenturie π. Trimestrale di Conversazioni Poetiche, Conversation International Poetry Project, Montparnasse Revue Café.

    His verses is being translated in Greek and French.

    Once he met Hrabal at The Golden Tiger in Prague. And, after twenty years of tracking, Wisława Szymborska in Bologna.

    He lives with his family in a small village on the seaside.

  • WORKS:

    Un giorno strano,  - (Emily Dickinson International Award, May 2000)

    Quello che possediamo (plaquette, edited by Studio Oblique), Infinite soluzioni, May 2010

    Alcune Cose (e una lettera di Francesco Forlani). Poesie, L’Arcolaio, August 2010

    Parigi, strade e sogni di una città. Petit cahier di viaggio, Historica, May 2011

    La versione di Giuseppe, EDTO, August 2011

    19/ i migliori racconti di UnoNove, EpiKa, April 2012

    Il Leviatano di Melville e altre poesie, L’Arcolaio, November 2012


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